Being a student is hard work. Trying to figure out how to manage your school work with extracurricular activities can be difficult task at hand. Here I give you a few tips on how to have a stress free week at school!

Specific goals provide both motivation and focus, identifying a target for our actions.
Goals must be crisp and clear, measurable by time and date. 
Vague Goals:

“I’m going to be a better student this semester”
“I’m going to study more”
“I want a better GPA”

Specific, measurable goals:

“Every Tuesday and Thursday, in the 90 minute gap between my English and History classes every, I will review my Biology flash cards and generate new flash cards.”
“Every Monday and Wednesday morning, I will work out from 7:30 to 8:30.”
“I will review and type up my History notes each day after class."

Focus and Concentration:

Maintaining focus is a success skill which proves challenging for even the most capable students
When you are trying to seriously engage your academic work . . .

  1. Find a place to study that you use only to study.  Treat it as a place of action and attention, free from your usual electronic or social distractions.
  2. Eliminate noise and sound distractions.
  3. Close out all computer programs except the one(s) you need for the immediate task at hand.
"I am beautiful, no matter what they say" these words ring true for everyone. For this weeks motivational monday,I wanted to start the week with this song. I know whenever I have a bad day, or when I feel like things are not going my way, I listen to "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera on repeat. The goal for this week... to make someones day by telling them that they are BEAUTIFUL!... GO! .. share good vibes and good spirits!! XOXO 
"I am beautiful, no matter what they say" these words ring true for everyone. For this weeks motivational monday,I wanted to start the week with this song. I know whenever I have a bad day, or when I feel like things are not going my way, I listen to "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera on repeat. The goal for this week... to make someones day by telling them that they are BEAUTIFUL!... GO! .. share good vibes and good spirits!! XOXO 
As you may know, suicide prevention week was last week. Everyone that knows me knows that this is one cause that I hold dear to my heart. Yes, this isn't fashion or beauty related, but for motivation monday I wanted to touch on this subject.Every single person is BEAUTIFUL! We may be all different sizes, shapes and personalities but we are all the same inside. If you know someone that is hurting-tell them they are not alone!  Always seek help and never be AFRAID to ask for it! SPEAK OUT and make this epidemic decline! EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL xoxoXO
So it’s Monday morning and your alarm goes off at 7am. You turn over and give that jolting piece of plastic a whack.  This scenario is the story of my life every single Monday. It is hard to find that motivation and strength to get up to your responsibilities; especially after a long weekend. But there is one thing that always peps me up and makes me forget that it is the start of the new week.  There is a certain song called “Don’t Stop Believin’ ” by the band Journey that ALWAYS gets me motivated.  There is something about the up beat temp and lyrics that gets me going!  I mean seriously, who can’t get motivated with someone screaming, “ DON’T STOP BELIEVIN’” at you?  So the challenge for you this week is to get PUMPED up and make this week the best   possible yet!